
Sugar, Sugar

Those of you who follow me on twitter will know that I went to a beginners sugarcraft workshop a few weeks ago. It was a one day class in the back room in cakebox.ie in Dun Laoghaire. Below are the fruits of my labor.

Sugarpaste roses. These were gorgeous when I left the shop, but getting bumped around on the DART and LUAS in a box too shallow for the height of the cake they got a bit mushed by the time I got home.

Fully frilled cake - actually it's not a cake. Under that 2 kgs of sugarpaste is a styrofoam form. However everything *on* it is edible. Oh wait, except for the yellow ribbon on the bottom, ok except for THAT, everything is edible. I forgot to take a closeup photo of the frill which is probably for the best as it would also show my woeful piping.

Baby Booties - Nomnomnom-what? sorry? were you saying something? *wipes sugarpaste off face*

Sleeping baby - it's supposed to be a baby, but eh. Oh well at least if I ever have to make a Wallace and Gromit cake I've got it sorted.

1 comment:

tanita✿davis said...

Really beautiful stuff!

The Wallace & Gromit baby cake is perfect, should he ever reproduce. I just don't want him to marry the scary wererabbit lady...